
Wearing Blue Light Glasses All the Time

Two blue light glasses placed on a round mirror (EYE00219)

In today’s digital world, everyone is glued to their screens all day long, be it smartphones, laptops, tablets, or TV. But prolonged use of these devices comes with the potentially harmful effects of blue light emitted from them. To deal with this concern, people have started wearing these special glasses that block out blue light. In this comprehensive article, we will look into everything you may need to know when it comes to wearing blue light glasses nonstop, including full-time blue light glasses advantages.

What is blue light?

Blue light is a form of high-energy visible (HEV) light characterized by its short wavelength. It is emitted by digital screens, LED lighting, and the sun. Although blue light is naturally present in sunlight and has a role in regulating our circadian rhythm, excessive exposure originating from digital devices has sparked concerns regarding its potential impact on eye health.

Role of blue light glasses

Two blue light oval frame glasses (EYE00467-2)

Blue light glasses are a type of eyewear that has been specifically developed to include lenses with a specialized coating that filters blue light. The primary purpose of this coating is to block or diminish the amount of blue light that is emitted from digital screens, consequently mitigating the potential adverse effects on our eyes. Individuals who utilize blue light glasses frequently report a decrease in eye strain, improved comfort during prolonged screen usage, and enhanced quality of sleep.

Benefits of wearing blue light glasses daily

There are numerous benefits to using blue light glasses for work and leisure. Some of them include the following:

Reduced eye strain

A man and woman wearing blue light glasses (EYE00473 (1))

Blue light glasses are great for relieving eye strain caused by staring at screens for too long. They filter out some of the harmful blue light, so you won’t feel as tired and uncomfortable after hours of screen time.

Photophobia management

If you’re someone who’s sensitive to light due to medical conditions or migraines, wearing blue light glasses can be really helpful. They work by blocking out the blue light that can make your eyes sensitive.

Improved sleep quality

Being exposed to blue light, especially at night, can affect your internal clock and interfere with how well you sleep. Putting on a pair of blue light glasses in the evening or right before bed might help reduce the effects of blue light on your sleep and make sure you get a good night’s rest.

Are there side effects to wearing blue light glasses constantly?

Three blue light glasses of red, green, and white-color frames (EYE00509-2)

Wearing blue light glasses all the time can possibly have some side effects. Some of them include:

Overprotection and reduced light exposure

Wearing blue light glasses all the time could end up being too much protection against blue light. It’s important to cut down on too much blue light. However, totally blocking it during the day could get in the way of the good things that natural blue light does for our sleep and health.

Limiting natural adaptation

Wearing blue light glasses all the time might mess with your eyes’ natural way of adjusting to different lighting. It could even end up making your eyes more sensitive to blue light in the long run.

Impact on the sleep-wake cycle

A woman wearing blue light glasses (EYEYA1001)

Wearing blue light glasses at night can improve sleep, but wearing them all day can mess up your body’s natural sleep cycle. Blue light during the day is important for keeping a good sleep-wake routine because it tells your body that it’s daytime.

“Can you wear blue light glasses all the time?” is a question that many people ask when trying out one for the first time. While the positive blue light glasses impact on sleep and eye strain has been widely recognized, many people consider prolonged use to inhibit our natural rhythm. But with moderation and by consulting an eye care professional, you can avoid any potential side effects and enjoy its benefits to the maximum.

If you are looking for blue light glasses for constant use or sunglasses, Eyewa can help you. We have a wonderful collection of blue light glasses to suit all your needs. Check out Eyewa today!


Do eye doctors recommend computer glasses?

Yes, eye docs often suggest computer glasses to help with eye strain and make your visual time on screens more comfy. These glasses can ease symptoms like tired eyes, dryness, and blurry vision that come from spending too much time on computers.

Can computer glasses damage your eyes?

No, computer glasses are actually made to help you see better and avoid eye strain. They can stop possible eye issues from staring at screens for too long, like headaches, dryness, and eyestrain.

What happens if you wear computer glasses all day?

Wearing computer glasses throughout the day can totally help with eye strain, blurry vision, and other annoying symptoms that come with staring at a screen all day. They make your eyes feel comfy and keep the harmful blue light at bay, which means you can stay focused and keep your eyes healthy.

Is wearing blue light glasses outside good?

Wearing blue light glasses outdoors doesn’t really give you much of an advantage since they’re mainly designed to filter out blue light from screens.

Can I wear blue light glasses in the sun?

Blue light glasses are not meant to shield your eyes from harmful rays of sunlight. They don’t have the necessary UV protection you need. If you’re outside and the sun’s shining, make sure you wear sunglasses with proper UV filters.

Do blue light glasses wear out?

Blue light glasses, just like any other pair of glasses, can start showing signs of wear and tear as time goes on. The frames might become a bit loose or brittle, and the lenses might get scratched or lose their protective coating. It’s a good idea to think about replacing them whenever you notice signs of significant wear and tear.

Should I wear blue light glasses when watching TV?

Wearing blue light glasses when watching TV is up to you. TVs do emit a bit of blue light, but usually not as much as digital screens. If you get eye strain or have trouble sleeping after watching TV, blue light glasses might be useful.

Wearing blue light glasses all the time

Opinions on rocking blue light glasses 24/7 on Reddit differ. Some people claim less eye strain and better snoozing, while others don’t notice any difference.

Is it weird to wear blue light glasses in public?

No, it’s totally cool to wear blue light glasses in public. These days, it’s pretty normal to spot people donning blue light glasses wherever because it helps them take care of their eyes and stay comfy.

Is it bad to wear blue light glasses when not looking at a screen?

Wearing blue light glasses when you’re not glued to a screen is pretty pointless and might not do much for you. These glasses are made to block or lessen the blue light from your digital screens. So wearing them when you’re not using screens might not do anything to help with eye strain or sleep.

Can you wear blue light glasses while driving?

Yes, you can wear blue light glasses while driving. But, if you’re worried about glare or any vision problems during your drive, it’s always a good idea to chat with an eye doctor.

Can you wear blue light glasses while reading?

Yes, you can wear blue light glasses while reading as they can make your reading sessions easier on the eyes.

What are the long-term effects of wearing blue light glasses?

The effects of extended use of blue light blocking glasses are currently under ongoing study. Prolonged blue light glasses wear could potentially impede the natural adaptation to light and result in color perception complications.

Can blue light glasses damage your eyes?

No, blue light glasses do not pose a risk of damaging your eyes as they can alleviate discomfort and reduce eye strain caused by digital screens.

How long should you wear blue light glasses?

The duration for wearing blue light glasses can vary based on individual requirements and preferences. Some individuals opt to use blue light protection throughout the day, while others limit usage to screen time only.

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