
Sleeping with Contact Lenses / Is it Safe?

Two ACUVUE define contact lens packages (PCL Evergreen ImagesDefine orange Side )

Contact lenses are a great option for people who want proper vision but hate wearing glasses all the time. These are easy to use, super light, and give you a clear view. But, sleeping with contacts raises some doubts about safety and stuff. Nevertheless, the safety and potential risks associated with wearing contact lenses while sleeping have raised pertinent concerns like “Is it safe to sleep with contact lenses in?“. In this comprehensive article, we will look into contact lens safety while sleeping, the potential hazards, and the best alternatives.

Risks of wearing contacts overnight

Two DAILIES TOTAL1 contact lens packages (PCL Evergreen ImagesDefine Total Side)

Wearing your contact lenses overnight comes with a number of potential risks, some even harmful to your eye health. The most common risks include the following:

Increased risk of eye infections

Eye infections from sleeping with contacts are one of the most common effects seen in people who forget to remove them before going to bed. While you sleep, bacteria and debris can build up on your contacts. This can lead to irritation, redness, and even microbial keratitis, an infection of the cornea.

Lens dislocation or loss

Your eyeballs move around when you sleep. This can mess with your contact lenses. Sometimes, the lenses can get stuck under your eyelids or get lost in the eye, which can really irritate your eye and even cause scratches on your cornea.

Dryness and discomfort

Contact lenses can get dry when they are used overnight, causing you to feel uncomfortable when you wake up. It can also lead to issues like redness, itchiness, and even blurry vision.

Reduced oxygen supply

Your cornea gets less amounts of oxygen when your eyes are closed, like when you sleep. Wearing contact lenses further reduces the oxygen flow. So, wearing them overnight can cause discomfort and swelling and increase your chances of getting an infection.

How to avoid sleeping with contact lenses

A collection of contact lenses (EYEWA1111)

There are some simple steps you can follow to avoid sleeping with contact lenses. These include the following:

  • Set a regular reminder to remove your contact lenses before sleeping every night.
  • Create a consistent pre-sleep routine that includes removing your contact lenses before brushing your teeth or washing your face.
  • Make sure you have all the essentials within reach, like your contact lens case, solution, and mirror, so that you can easily access them when needed.
  • Try wearing glasses instead for nighttime vision correction. It will give your eyes a chance to relax and breathe.

Tips for safe overnight contact lens use

One DAILIES TOTAL1 contact lens package (EYEWA1112)

Some simple tips you can follow to use contact lenses safely overnight include the following:

  • Consult with your eye doctor to see if you can wear contacts overnight and if extended-wear lenses will work for your eyes.
  • Stick to the wearing schedule given by your eye doctor.
  • Clean and disinfect your lenses really well before you pop them in for the night.
  • Clean and replace your lenses as instructed, and don’t reuse old cleaning solutions.
  • Watch out for any and all signs of discomfort, dryness, redness, or changes in your vision.
  • Go for regular check-ups to keep tabs on your eye health and the condition of your lenses.

Alternatives to sleeping in contact lenses

A hand holding one ACUVUE MOIST contact lens package (Acuvue)

There are several alternatives to extended wear contact lenses and sleep that can help maintain good eye health. Some of them include the following:

  • Try switching to eyeglasses for nighttime vision correction. Eyeglasses offer the advantage of providing your eyes with the opportunity to breathe and rest naturally during your sleep.
  • You can opt for Orthokeratology, a viable solution to correct vision that involves the use of specialized contact lenses that are worn during sleep. These lenses will reshape the cornea, resulting in clear vision that lasts throughout the day.
  • Laser eye surgery, like LASIK or PRK, can be a long-lasting fix for vision problems, getting rid of the hassle of wearing contact lenses.

Sleeping in contact lenses safety is a widely discussed topic nowadays, especially with the increase in the use of these lenses. Studies have shown that sleeping with them, even for a little while, isn’t generally safe. Consequences of sleeping in contacts include itchy and dry eyes and increased chances of infections or ulcers. Taking a few minutes to remove your contacts before sleep can make a big difference in keeping your eyes in good shape and avoiding any problems.

If you are looking for corrective or colored contact lenses, then Eyewa can help you out. Our collection of branded contact lenses and cleaning solutions can help you choose the best one for all your need. Check out Eyewa today!


Is it OK to sleep with contacts in for one night?

Sleeping with contacts in is not a good idea at all. It increases the chances of getting eye infections, feeling uncomfortable, and even harming your cornea.

How long can I sleep with contacts in?

Sleeping with contacts is usually not recommended because it can raise the chances of eye infections and discomfort. But, there are certain contact lenses that are approved for wearing overnight, usually for up to 30 days.

Is it better to sleep in contacts or put in water?

It’s better to take out your contacts before you go to sleep. Similarly, putting your contacts in water is also not a great alternative.

How long can you sleep with contacts in?

Sleeping with contact lenses is usually not a good idea since it can up your chances of getting eye infections and feeling uncomfortable. However, if you’ve got some overnight-wear contact lenses, you might have a decent option.

I accidentally slept with my contacts in

On Reddit, people share stories and ask for tips about accidentally sleeping with their contacts still in. Many also talk about the possible dangers of using them overnight. Redditors often offer advice to newbies to help them avoid making the same mistakes as them.

Sleeping with contacts for an hour?

It’s usually okay to sleep an hour or so with your contact lenses on, and you may not have any adverse effects.

How to treat eyes after sleeping with contacts?

Remove the lenses as soon as you wake up. Wash your eyes with some clean saline solution and rest them as much as possible. If you’re still feeling uncomfortable or have any redness or irritation, consult a doctor.

Sleeping with contact lenses for one night?

Sleeping with contact lenses can be risky and cause irritation, dry eyes, and even corneal ulcers even for one night.

I accidentally slept with my contacts in and my eyes hurt?

If you slept with your lenses in by mistake and your eyes are hurting, take them out right away. Rest your peepers and wash them using a sterile saline solution. If the pain doesn’t go away or gets worse, see a doctor.

Can I take a 20 minute nap with contacts in?

Although it’s usually fine to take a quick 20-minute nap with your contacts in, it’s still better to always take them out before sleeping, even for short periods.

Can I sleep with contact lens for 1 hour?

It’s usually fine to sleep with contact lenses for an hour, especially if it’s not on purpose.

What happens if you sleep with contacts for 30 minutes?

Sleeping with your lenses on for a short time is not always a huge deal. But you should watch out for adverse effects like discomfort, dryness, and infection.

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