
How to Get Rid of Red Eyes

Red eyes can be uncomfortable. Needless to say, the appearance of bloodshot, red eyes is not appealing and results from different factors, ranging from lifestyle habits to hidden health issues. Whether issues are caused by lack of sleep, eye strain, allergies, irritation, or dryness, red eyes are bothersome and may indicate serious conditions.

The problem of red eyes bears some importance and discussion. This is relevant if you wish to know how to get rid of red eyes. You must be aware of the symptoms, causes, and treatment options on offer. You should also know how to avoid the condition by maintaining a simple eye care regime. The treatment for red eyes can range from simple grandma’s home therapies to over-the-counter medicines.

Some of us who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses believe we cannot get red eyes, but infections of the eye may be experienced by anyone. The way to counter the bane of red eyes and know how to get rid of red eyes is to recognize the condition and know when to seek help.

Man wearing eyeglasses (SummerSale_7943 (1))

Understanding Red Eyes

Red eyes characteristically occur when the tiny blood vessels on the eye’s surface become irritated or dilated. Such dilation leads to an increase in blood flow, giving eyes a red appearance. You may be the wearer of eyeglasses or contact lenses but may still suffer from red eyes. Several commonly known symptoms and causes of red eyes exist, and these are explained below:


  • Lack of Sleep: Insufficient rest/sleep may result in bloodshot eyes as eyes become dehydrated and tired.
  • Eye Strain: Long periods of focus on devices and digital screens, driving, or reading may strain eyes, resulting in discomfort and redness.
  • Allergies: Certain allergic reactions to pet dander, pollen, dust, or any other allergens may often cause irritation of the eyes and redness.
  • Eye Infections: Viral and bacterial infections, like conjunctivitis, may well cause discharge and redness in the eyes.
  • Dryness: Sometimes, there are environmental conditions like dry air and inadequate tear production that may cause red eyes due to extreme dryness. The best eye care tips include keeping your eyes constantly lubricated.
  • Environmental Irritants: Dust, smoke, and several other pollutants may irritate the eyes, making them red.
  • Underlying Health Problems: Particular medical issues like uveitis or glaucoma may cause the symptom of red eyes.
  • Contact Lens Use: Inappropriate use or poor hygiene using contact lenses frequently causes redness due to irritation.


Once you know the causes and symptoms of red eyes, you will know how to get rid of red eyes:

  • Redness: The most obvious symptom is when the whites of the eyes look red or pink.
  • Burning Sensation: A stinging or burning sensation may occur along with red eyes.
  • Itchiness: Eyes can feel extremely itchy, resulting in an urge to rub them vigorously. Good eyecare tips will tell you that this makes them redder and prone to infection.
  • Eye Discharge: Eye infections can result in a yellow/greenish discharge coming from the eyes.
  • Watery Eyes: Excessive watering of the eyes is a commonly experienced response to any eye irritation.

If you wish to know when to seek help for red eyes, you should pay attention to the signs and get help immediately.

Woman wearing eyeglasses (Windsor_7881)

Home Remedies for Red Eyes

You may be a wearer of contact lenses or eyeglasses, but these do not prevent infection from entering your eyes. The moment you experience any symptoms is the time to seek help. If you experience even mild redness and any irritation in the eyes, various easy home remedies may provide relief. Remedies for red eyes include the following:

  • Cold Compress: If you apply a cold compress, like a clean cloth that is soaked in cold water, inflammation may come down and soothe redness.
  • Warm Compress: How to get rid of red eyes may pose a challenge for the sufferer, but something as simple as a warm compress helps with eye irritation due to viral/bacterial infections.
  • Cucumber Slices: An old remedy that comprises the placing of chilled cucumber slices on shut eyes offers cooling effects and reduces redness.
  • Rose Water: Rose water applied to the eyes with cotton pads relieve redness and irritation.
  • Chamomile Tea Bags: Chamomile tea bags, cooled and placed on the eyes, can reduce inflammation and calm redness.
  • Blinking Exercises: Frequent blinking helps keep the eyes lubricated and reduces strain.
  • Eye Massage: Gentle eye massages can improve blood circulation and alleviate redness.
  • Adequate Hydration: Drinking enough water keeps the body, including the eyes, hydrated. This is one of the best and easiest remedies for red eyes and is often ignored.

Woman wearing eyeglasses (EYEWA122078)

Over-the-Counter Solutions for Red Eyes

For contact lens wearers, medical practitioners advise certain preventive care ideas for potential eye irritation. Then you don’t have to worry about how to get rid of red eyes at all. Lubricating eye drops helps when eyes feel mildly dry, for instance. Over-the-counter (OTC) medication reduces redness and is beneficial:

  • Redness-Relief Eye Drops: Specialized eye drops to reduce redness offer relief temporarily.
  • Lubricating Eye Drops: Lubricating eye drops (artificial tears) keep the eyes from getting dry.
  • Antihistamine Eye Drops: Allergy-specific drops alleviate red eyes due to allergens.
  • Decongestant Eye Drops: These drops shrink blood vessels and reduce eye redness temporarily.
  • Mast Cell Stabilizers: These eye drops work to prevent redness caused by allergic reactions.

When to Seek Medical Help

Knowing the ways of how to get rid of red eyes at home is advantageous for immediate relief. Most cases of red eyes are benign, but particular signs need medical attention:

  • Persistent Redness: In case home remedies for red eyes don’t work, get medical help.
  • Severe Pain: Excessive pain in the eyes indicates a serious issue.
  • Vision Changes: Vision loss or blurred vision should be addressed by a specialist.
  • Eye Discharge: Green/yellow discharge indicates infection requiring medical therapy.
  • Light Sensitivity: Increased sensitivity to light is a concerning sign.
  • Eye Injury: In case you have had an injury and have red eyes, you must seek medical aid instantly.

Preventing Red Eyes

Many contact lens wearers neglect eye care when they find their contact lenses damaged. If you continue to wear damaged lenses, you stand to get red eyes. To prevent this, refrain from wearing torn/dirty lenses. Once you know the causes of red eyes, prevention is easy:

  • Follow the 20-20-20 Rule: Take a break from screens every 20 minutes or so.
  • Get Enough Sleep: See that you get enough quality sleep every night.
  • Stay Well Hydrated: Drink a lot of water to keep your eyes moisturized.
  • Protect Eyes: Use protective eyewear while engaging in activities that may cause eye injury.
  • Manage Your Allergies: Take steps to control allergic reactions.
  • Proper Eye Hygiene: Ensure handwashing before touching your eyes. Avoid rubbing your eyes. This is one of the most typical causes of red eyes.
  • Wear Glasses: Some people may be more prone to touch their eyes often. They can wear eyeglasses (without any power) as a guard against touching the eyes.

For those who need protective eyewear and any normal vision correction, hop over to Eyewa for comprehensive solutions.

Couple wearing eyeglasses (EYE00473 (1))

FAQs on How to Get Rid of Red Eyes

What are the commonly occurring causes of red eyes?

Red eyes are often caused by lack of sleep, eye strain, allergies, infections, dryness, external irritants, and specific underlying health issues.

How can I relieve soreness and red eyes at home?

There are effective home remedies you may try, like using warm/cold compresses, cucumber slices, rose water, chamomile tea bags, and paying attention to hygiene.

Do over-the-counter drops soothe red eyes?

Lubricating eye drops/artificial tears offer relief for red eyes due to dryness/irritation.

When should I seek medical help for red eyes?

If your red eyes persist, and you feel great pain, you should get medical care urgently.

Do red eyes get cured on their own?

In most cases, red eyes are caused by certain factors like infection and may not get cured on their own.

Woman wearing contact lenses (Layala_Platinum Grey-3027)


Red eyes are a common issue that occurs due to several factors. Knowing how to get rid of red eyes is the key, and you can often manage this condition at home. By grasping the causes of red eyes, and their symptoms, you can take preventive measures to maintain eye health. Nonetheless, if red eyes persist and are accompanied by serious symptoms, you should seek immediate medical attention. You must prioritize eye care to ensure that your eyes are the brightest and best always.

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