
Wearing Contact Lenses for the First Time

A woman holding a Layala contact lens package (Layala_Stardust Grey-3323)

If you are used to wearing glasses, the idea of trying contact lenses can be both thrilling and overwhelming. Contact lenses can give you a natural look, clear vision, and more freedom being able to do physical stuff without stressing about glasses slipping off. If you’re thinking about switching to contact lenses, it’s good to know what to expect when you wear them for the first time. In this first-time contact lens wearers guide, we’ll explore key points about wearing contact lenses for the first time. So, let’s dive in!

First-time contact lens wearer advice

Two DAILIES TOTAL1 contact lens packages (PCL Evergreen ImagesDailies total 1)

There are many things that first-time contact lens wearers should consider before buying one to try them out. Some of the most important ones include the following:

Consult an eye care professional

Before you jump into the whole contact lens thing, it’s super important to make an appointment with an eye doctor. They’ll check out your eyes and your medical history to decide if contacts are right for you. They’ll also measure your eyes to make sure the lenses fit just right and talk to you about your lifestyle and what kind of lenses would work best for you. You can get important details like how to handle, insert, remove, and care for your contact lenses from the eye doctor.

Inserting the contact lenses

Putting contact lenses into your eyes may seem tricky initially, but it gets easier with practice. Start by picking one lens and placing it on your finger. Carefully use your other hand to hold open both upper and lower eyelids. Look straight ahead and rely on a mirror for guidance. Gradually bring your finger, with the lens, toward your eye until it touches the colored part (iris). Blink slowly to let the lens adjust.

Adjusting to wearing contact lenses

When you try out contact lenses for the first time, it can feel a little weird. Your eyes might need some time to get used to having the lenses in there. It’s normal to feel a bit uncomfortable, dry, or irritated. But as you keep wearing them, your eyes will adjust, and the discomfort should go away. If it doesn’t, or if it becomes too much to handle, make sure to reach out to your eye doctor.

What to expect when wearing contacts for the first time

A woman wearing grey contacts (Layala_Platinum Grey-3027)

When you start wearing contacts, there are a few things you should expect as you get used to them. Some of them include the following:

Improved vision

Contacts give you a better view than glasses, with clearer and sharper vision, plus a wider range of what you can see around you.


It’s totally normal to notice the lenses on your eyes at first. You might feel a little uncomfortable, or like there’s something foreign in your eye. But your eyes will get used to it over time.

Dryness and irritation

In the beginning, some people might feel their eyes getting dry, itchy, or red. This happens because the contacts limit the oxygen that reaches the eyes. But, using eye drops that your eye doctor suggests will help ease these discomforts.

How to prepare for wearing contact lenses

Two DAILIES AquaComfort contact lens packages (PCL Evergreen ImagesDailies Aqua)

Getting ready to wear contact lenses requires a few important steps for a hassle-free switch. These include the following:

  • Make an appointment with an eye doctor to get a full eye check-up, find out your prescription, and talk about whether you can wear contacts.
  • When talking to your eye care professional, make sure to talk about your lifestyle and any specific needs like sports or outdoor activities. This will help them find the perfect type of contact lenses for you.
  • Find out about all the different types of contact lenses, like daily disposables, monthly disposables, colored lenses, or toric lenses that your eye doctor thinks would work best for you.
  • Before your fitting appointment, make sure you know the basics of good hygiene, like giving your hands a solid wash with mild soap and water, then drying them off with a soft towel.
  • Get the lowdown on how to put in, take out, and look after contact lenses with the guidance of your eye doctor. This includes figuring out how to properly store your lenses, which cleaning solutions to use, and when it’s time for new ones.

Tips for wearing contact lenses initially

A collection of contact lenses (PCL 2)

When you first start wearing contact lenses, there are a couple of things to remember. This can also help in overcoming contact lens fears for beginners. These tips include the following:

  • Clean your hands before touching your lenses to keep dirt, oils, and bacteria away from them.
  • Stick to the recommended wear schedule. Start with shorter wear times and slowly increase them as your eyes get used to the lenses.
  • Don’t rush putting in and taking out contacts initially. Give yourself some time to get used to it and go at your own pace.
  • Follow the care instructions for your lenses in order to keep your eyes healthy. Clean and disinfect your lenses as recommended, and don’t forget to replace them when you’re supposed to.
  • Have some lubricating eye drops with you always. It’s pretty normal to experience dryness and irritation at first. Using eye drops can give you some relief and ensure your eyes stay hydrated.

Easing into contact lens use as a first-time wearer can feel like a challenging task for many, but with proper help and advice, you can make it a walk in the park. Remember that the contact lens beginner’s experience is as fun as it is demanding.

If you are looking for contact lenses or sunglasses, Eyewa can help you out. We have some of the best collections of sunglasses and contact lenses to suit all your needs. Check out Eyewa today!


Some common first-time contact lens wearer questions include the following:

What are the risks of wearing contact lenses?

Wearing contacts can be a bit risky. Some possible complications include eye infections, corneal ulcers, dry eyes, cornea scratches, and less oxygen for your eyes. Improper hygiene, incorrect lens care, prolonged wear, and wearing them in water can increase these risks.

How long should beginners wear contacts?

Contact lenses should only be worn for a few hours each day when you are starting out. You can then slowly increase the wearing time over a span of one to two weeks.

How do beginners use contact lenses?

Wash your hands thoroughly before using the lenses. Next, pick up a lens with your finger and open up your eye wide. Carefully put the lens on the colored part of your eye and blink slowly a few times to make sure it’s in place.

What do I need to know about wearing contacts for the first time?

Following hygiene and care instructions is an important thing to consider when using contact lenses. Start by wearing them for a few hours and then slowly increase the time. Don’t doze off or go for a swim with them on. If you ever feel uncomfortable or see any redness, take them out and consult an eye care expert.

What are some first-time contact lens user problems?

Some issues experienced by first-time contact lens users include feeling uncomfortable or having dry eyes, blurry vision, difficulty popping in or removing the lenses, or irritating sensations.

How does it feel to wear contact lenses for the first time?

When you’re trying out contact lenses for the first time, it’s totally normal to feel a bit weird or uncomfortable. You might notice them in your eyes or have dryness at first. But with time, most people find contact lenses super comfy and easy to wear.

How long does it take for eyes to adjust to new prescription contacts?

The time taken to adjust to new prescription contacts varies from person to person. It usually takes a few days to a couple of weeks for your eyes to adjust.

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