
Double Vision: A Guide to Wearing Reading Glasses With Contact Lenses

Eye health is essential to maintain good vision, especially as we age. Many people experience presbyopia, a common condition that affects near vision. Managing this condition can be challenging for individuals who wear contact lenses. Now, you can try switching them. Although this is indeed a possibility, it may cause inconvenience for certain individuals. Wearing reading glasses over contact lenses provides a more convenient option for managing both near and far vision needs throughout the day without frequently changing eyewear.

Thankfully, there are available solutions to provide assistance. In this guide, we will explore the possibility of wearing reading glasses over contacts to correct presbyopia, ensuring a clear and comfortable vision for daily activities.

Woman wearing reading glasses over contact lenses (SlimTech_7657)

Can You Wear Reading Glasses Over Contact Lenses?

Many people use contact lenses to correct different forms of visual impairments, including astigmatism, hyperopia, and myopia. However, as one age, presbyopia development might impact their ability to focus on objects up close. In such cases, people can wear reading glasses along with contact lenses to enhance their near vision.

There are generally no specific age restrictions for wearing reading glasses over contact lenses. Presbyopia, which necessitates the use of reading glasses, typically starts to affect individuals around the age of 40. As long as you have a valid prescription for both contact lenses and reading glasses, you can comfortably use this combination to correct your vision. If you already use contact lenses for distance vision, wearing reading glasses over contacts allows you to address both near and far vision needs without constantly switching between two pairs of glasses.

You can also wear reading glasses over colored contact lenses. The color of the contact lenses does not affect their compatibility with reading glasses. Ensure that both the contact lenses and reading glasses are prescribed and fitted appropriately for clear vision.

A couple wearing reading glasses over contact lenses (SN2)

How to Comfortably Wear Reading Glasses with Contact Lenses

Wearing reading glasses with contact lenses can provide a practical solution for presbyopia, but it’s crucial to do it correctly for comfort and optimal vision. Here is how you can ensure a smooth experience:

Consult Your Eye Care Professional

Before you wear your reading glasses with contact lenses, schedule an eye examination. By doing so, professionals can evaluate your specific vision requirements, offer suitable prescriptions, and suggest optimal choices to meet your individual needs.

Choose Appropriate Reading Glasses

Select reading glasses that complement your contact lens prescription. The prescription for your reading glasses will depend on your specific needs for close-up vision correction.

Ensure a Proper Fit

Properly fitted reading glasses will ensure that your vision is clear and comfortable. The frames should sit securely on your nose and ears without causing any pressure points.

Coordinate Lens Power

Coordinate the lens power of your contact lenses and reading glasses to work together seamlessly. Your eye care professional can guide you in finding the right combination.

Avoid Overcorrecting

It is imperative to avoid excessive correction of vision by pairing reading glasses with contact lenses that have higher strength. Such a practice may result in eye strain and discomfort.

Keep Lenses Clean

Always maintain good hygiene by keeping your contact lenses and reading glasses clean. Follow proper cleaning and storage procedures to avoid any complications. Maintaining good hygiene is essential for both contact lenses and reading glasses. Follow the recommended cleaning and storage procedures for your contact lenses to prevent eye infections. Likewise, clean your reading glasses regularly to ensure clear vision and avoid any discomfort.

Practice Patience

Adapting to the use of reading glasses over contact lenses may require a transitional period. It is advisable to grant oneself sufficient time to become accustomed to this new sensory experience, all the while recognizing the benefits it brings in terms of enhanced visual acuity.

Consider Monovision

One possible alternative is the utilization of monovision, which involves the fitting of a contact lens for distance vision in one eye, and a contact lens for near vision in the other eye. Although this approach can yield positive results for specific individuals, its suitability varies from person to person.

A couple wearing reading glasses with contact lenses (EYEWA1812)

Contact Lenses for Presbyopia

While wearing reading glasses over contact lenses is a viable option, some people prefer alternatives that provide seamless vision correction. One such option is using contact lenses for Presbyopia. These specialized lenses come in two main types:

Bifocal Contact Lenses

Bifocal contact lenses effectively address the need for both distance and close-up vision by incorporating two distinct prescription areas. By eliminating the need for supplementary eyewear, wearers can enjoy clear vision across different distances.

Multifocal Contact Lenses

Multifocal contact lenses offer a comprehensive vision correction solution that seamlessly transitions between near, intermediate, and distance vision. This enables wearers to see clearly at all distances without the need for reading glasses.

A box of Everva PRO contact lenses (Everva-Pro)

When to Consult Your Eye Care Professional

While this guide provides valuable information on managing presbyopia with reading glasses and contact lenses, it is essential to consult your eye care professional for personalized advice. Seek professional guidance:

If You Experience Discomfort

If you experience any discomfort, irritation, or vision issues when using reading glasses in combination with contact lenses, it is advisable that you promptly seek guidance from your eye care specialist. Blurred vision with reading glasses over contacts may indicate an incorrect prescription or fitting. It’s essential to consult your eye care professional to assess your vision and make any necessary adjustments for clear and comfortable vision.

For Periodic Eye Exams

Regular eye examinations are vital for individuals who wear reading glasses in conjunction with contact lenses. It is generally advised to undergo annual eye examinations or as recommended by your eye care specialist. Adhering to a consistent schedule of eye examinations is essential in monitoring the overall health of your eyes and ensuring the accuracy of your prescriptions.

When Considering Alternatives

If you find that wearing reading glasses over contact lenses is not suitable for your lifestyle, explore alternative options such as bifocal or multifocal contact lenses.

Woman wearing reading glasses over contact lenses (EYEWA1616)


Prioritizing eye health and managing presbyopia effectively is essential for maintaining clear and comfortable vision as we age. Wearing Reading Glasses With Contact Lenses can be a convenient option for many, offering the ability to address both near and far vision needs without constantly switching glasses. However, alternatives like Bifocal or Multifocal Contact Lenses may provide seamless vision correction. Consulting your eye care professional ensures that you make informed decisions about your visual clarity and comfort.

Remember to check out Eyewa for a wide range of vision correction products, including contact lenses and reading glasses, to find the right solution that suits your needs best. By combining the right eyewear with proper care and professional guidance, you can enjoy clear vision and healthy eyes for years to come.

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